Why Certification is Important to become Personal trainer in India

access_time 2023-09-08T10:34:44.85Z face Integrated Fitness & Sports Institute
Why Certification is Important to become a Personal trainer in India Expertise and Knowledge: Certification programs provide comprehensive education on exercise science, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, and program design. This knowledge equips personal trainers with the skills needed to create effec...

What are the Ways that Personal Trainers Should Adapt to Develop Their Client’s Post-Pandemic Weight Loss Plans?

access_time 2023-09-08T10:19:59.332Z face Integrated Fitness & Sports Institute
What are the Ways that Personal Trainers Should Adapt to Develop Their Client’s Post-Pandemic Weight Loss Plans? For a short overview of a healthier weight-loss program, “weight-loss” is intended to reduce the client’s entire body weight.Furthermore, this bodyweight change readily and deliberately c...